Work has been so boring, my wrist hurts a bit from scrolling so much on my phone. The computer I am supervising is working hard though. #firstworldproblems
Work has been so boring, my wrist hurts a bit from scrolling so much on my phone. The computer I am supervising is working hard though. #firstworldproblems
That moment when you have food but crave something you don't have that will cost more money to get. I could, doesn't mean I should, but I think I shall! #FirstWorldProblems. I'm also greatful to still have such a problem in these uncertain times.
I know it’s because how digital things treat special characters, but the rebranding from D&D to dnd gets my knickers in a twist whenever I see it.
I would like to thank Past Me for leaving that smushed granola bar in the bottom of my laptop bag. After my flight delay last night, that bar was my dinner. #FirstWorldProblems
Disaster preparedness lesson: cool off that refrigerator more often/longer. (Freezer: fine, ice cream did not even melt a bit; leftover meat in the fridge: <retch> <vomit> <hurk hurk hurk>)
TIL (Today I learned) über Zündspulen für nen (alten) Polo, die gerne mal kaputt gehen, vor allem wenn der Vorbesitzer glaubte Geld sparen zu können wenn er die no-name Variante einbaut ;) Leider ist Feiertag und daher muss der Austausch noch ein wenig warten. #FirstWorldProblems
what evil person put ⌘-M (minimize window) right next to ⌘-N (new window)?
I can't tell you the number of times I hit M by mistake when I mean N, and there is no keystroke to reverse what you just did.
So you have to stop, move your hand from keyboard to mouse, and go to the menu, Window, and select the window to restore it.
(and then of course go to Mastodon to post about it, at which point you've *completely* lost your flow and so you start following an interesting thread and then on to some blog posts and some articles and whoops suddenly it's lunchtime and what to have and do I need to go to the grocery store and ...)
A browser, where when I hover over a link on a page and I have that link already opened in another tab, that other tab blinks a few times to make me aware that I have it already opened. #FirstWorldProblems and solutions
My wife has a collection of battery-powered air fresheners scattered around the house - every few minutes (default is 20 minutes) they release a burst of scent into the air.
Except one.
This particular air freshener farts every damn time I walk past it.
Because of the layout of the house, it's difficult to get anywhere on the ground floor after coming downstairs without walking past this one, so I walk past it a lot.
And I'm starting to get a bit of a complex about it.
Like, are you trying to tell me I smell or something?
Kinda tired of soap dispensers that work like an aged porn star with a bad sense of timing. #soap #firstworldproblems
Mein Auto lädt am HPC Charger zu schnell. Ich kann nicht mal in Ruhe ein Eis essen und aufs Klo gehen.
Immer diese Hektik.
I understand why hashtags are limited in what characters are allowed, but especially for policy nerds like me, I would really like it if () / and - were allowed. The #chatcontrol procedure is handled as 2022/0155(COD) throughout the EU system, but I cannot use that identifier as a hashtag :( #2022/0155(COD) doesn't work. And the various alternatives like #2022_0155COD #COD2022_0155 etc work but cause ambiguity. (ultimately hashtags should allow all non-whitespace chars) #FirstWorldProblems
When we talk about late-stage capitalism we don't discuss enough how first world countries have been killing thousands of young workers in developing countries with silicosis of the lungs for more than 40 years because people like to pay more money for jeans that look worn and don't last as long.
Oh, and a stone washed or acid washed jean require 70+ liters of water and acid and toxic chemicals.
busybee: fluffy rambles: More Mac M4 thoughts https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/13994-More-Mac-M4-thoughts #FirstWorldProblems #RetailTherapy #Hardware #Apple #macOS #Blog
@nixCraft The base M4 macbook pro doesn't have thunderbolt 5, and still doesn't support more than 2 external displays. #firstworldproblems for sure, I know.
Möchte ich 179 € für ein drei Meter Thunderbolt-Kabel ausgeben oder einfach den Mac näher am Studio Display positionieren?
No matter what I do, there is never enough screen space on my laptop for an assignment, the raw LaTeX I'm editing, and the output PDF all at once
I'm mad, and overheated.
Amazon delivered to the wrong building AGAIN. They have done this at least 6 times, and at least once, lost everything I had ordered because of thieves.
I had to put shoes on, a mask on, go out without underwear (I had pants on), carry a cart and check the other buildings for my groceries.
I'm mad.
Right apartment number, wrong building, AGAIN.
PAy attention to the damned building numbers egads.
But, have you flown an airline that doesn’t even have reclining seats?
This is #FirstWorldProblems