#Trump suggests sending #UnitedStates #citizens to a prison in a foreign country known for #HumanRights violations without #DueProcess.
This is no longer a #ConstitutionalCrisis.
The #USA is an established #authoritarian #MafiaState.
#Trump suggests sending #UnitedStates #citizens to a prison in a foreign country known for #HumanRights violations without #DueProcess.
This is no longer a #ConstitutionalCrisis.
The #USA is an established #authoritarian #MafiaState.
#RachelMaddow just interviewed Lindsay Toczylowski, #immigration atty for one of the *deported* individuals being held at #CECOT in #ElSalvador.
He was deemed a member of the gang #TdA because he has tattoos & is Venezuelan.
Her client is a #gay make-up artist who was seeking #asylum in the #US. Toczylowski shared some personal photos of her client.
I posted an interview by Sam Stein w/Toczylowski earlier this wk.
#law #Constitution #AlienEnemiesAct #DueProcess #CivilRights #AbuseOfPower #Trump
#Trump lawyers have *determined* [made up from whole cloth] that an 18th-cent wartime #law Trump invoked to deport *suspected* [presumed] members of a Venezuelan gang allows federal agents to enter homes WITHOUT A WARRANT….
The disclosure reflects the Trump admin’s aggressive view of #PresidentialPower, including setting aside a key provision of the #FourthAmendment that requires a #CourtOrder to search someone’s home.
Even as evidence emerges of potentially grave errors in their vetting process, the Trump admin appears ready to argue -they can use the Alien Enemies Act to enter the home of any person they allege is a member of Tren de Aragua, W/O A WARRANT.
Experts say such an interpretation would infringe on basic civil liberties -raise the potential for misuse. Warrantless entries: some precedent in wartime history -not in peacetime.
#DueProcess #Lawless #Trump #Immigrants #USPol
Holy freaking crap
The #Trump admin says that the #AlienEnemiesAct allows #Immigration Agents to enter the homes of ANY PERSON who they *believe* are subject to the declaration WITHOUT A WARRANT.
#law #Constitution #FourthAmendment #14thAmendment #5thAmendment #DueProcess #CivilRights #ChecksAndBalances #JudicialBranch #Judiciary #SeparationOfPowers #CoEqualBranchesOfGovernment #ConstitutionalCrisis #AbuseOfPower
It appears that #Trump’s #DOJ has *missed* (refused to comply with) the deadline set by Judge #Boasberg to provide answers on the #AliensEnemiesAct #deportations.
~15 declarations were filed overnight in #JGGvTrump. You can read them in the latest filing. The sworn declarations are from attys whose clients were not gang members but because #Trump suspended #HabeasCorpus / #DueProcess under the #AlienEnemiesAct they were scooped up by #ICE, flown to a country w/which they had no association & thrown into a high max forced labor #terrorist detention center. All had complied w/ #immigration #law & had pending hearings seeking #asylum.
Sworn declarations submitted overnight from #Venezuelans deported by #Trump to #ElSalvador prove innocent & legal #immigrants were sent to the Terrorism Confinement Center forced labor facility.
Here is one from a professional soccer player imprisoned in #CECOT & forced into hard labor on the basis of soccer-related tattoos & a single, innocent hand gesture.
DC Circuit Judges Henderson, Millett, & Walker have scheduled oral arguments Monday, March 24, 2025, at 1:30PM on whether to block Judge #Boasberg's #TRO in J.G.G. v. #Trump, the #AlienEnemiesAct #deportation case.
#law #Constitution #immigration #14thAmendment #5thAmendment #DueProcess #Venezuela #CivilRights #ChecksAndBalances #JudicialBranch #Judiciary #SeparationOfPowers #CoEqualBranchesOfGovernment #ConstitutionalCrisis #AbuseOfPower
#DOJ lawyers urged an appeals court Wed to overturn a judge’s block on #Trump’s #deportation of #Venezuelans under the #AlienEnemiesAct.
The filing is the latest volley in an escalating legal battle over Trump's priority of strengthening #immigration enforcement. Trump has called for Chief US District Judge James #Boasberg's #impeachment …[&] #SCOTUS Chief Justice #JohnRoberts rebuked Trump over the impeachment threat.
#law #DueProcess #Judiciary #ConstitutionalCrisis
Legal scholars say that is no longer the right inquiry. #Trump is already undercutting the #SeparationOfPowers at the heart of the constitutional system, …& the right question…is how it will transform the nation.
“If anyone is being detained or removed based on the admin’s assertion that it can do so without judicial review or #DueProcess, the president is asserting dictatorial power & #ConstitutionalCrisis doesn’t capture the gravity of the situation,” said Jamal Greene, #law prof at Columbia.
“What began as a dispute between litigants over the President’s authority to protect the national security & manage the foreign relations of the US pursuant to both a longstanding Congressional authorization & the President’s core constitutional authorities has devolved into a picayune dispute over the micromanagement of immaterial factfinding,” #DOJ wrote.
Photos of the #Venezuelans illegally *deported* by #Trump under the #AlienEnemiesAct to the maximum security prison Terrorist Confinement Centre (#CECOT) in Tecoluca, #ElSalvador
Photos, released by the Presidencia El Salvador.
Photos of the #Venezuelans illegally *deported* by #Trump under the #AlienEnemiesAct to the maximum security prison Terrorist Confinement Centre (#CECOT) in Tecoluca, #ElSalvador
Photos, released by the Presidencia El Salvador.
This is some messed up dystopian stuff
Photos of the #Venezuelans illegally *deported* by #Trump under the #AlienEnemiesAct to the maximum security prison Terrorist Confinement Centre (#CECOT) in Tecoluca, #ElSalvador
Photos, released by the Presidencia El Salvador.
In response to the #DOJ's filing today in the #AlienEnemiesAct case, Judge #Boasberg ordered the #Trump admin to send him a sealed explanation of whether they in fact violated his court order.
#law #Constitution #immigration #14thAmendment #5thAmendment #DueProcess #Venezuela #CivilRights #ChecksAndBalances #JudicialBranch #Judiciary #SeparationOfPowers #CoEqualBranchesOfGovernment #ConstitutionalCrisis #AbuseOfPower #Trump
Here is the new minute entry in #JGGvTrump:
Due process is not about the worthiness of the accused. It's about the integrity of the accuser.
Skipping it proves the accuser to be scummy.
From Southpaw:
The #UnitedStates government under #Trump by all accounts is shipping these people into indefinite involuntary servitude in #ElSalvador without even the pretense of any #judicial process, much less duly convicting them of a #crime. It’s an enslaving operation.
It is #HumanTrafficking.
Per Asha Rangappa:
Historical note: When President Lincoln *actually suspended* #HabeasCorpus under the Suspension Act of 1863, he was required to provide lists of all people detained who were not POWs to the circuit court. He complied. While prosecuting an *actual war*.
(Ex parte Milligan - https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/71/2%26nbsp)