Charles Darwin: "I had, also, during many years, followed a golden rule, namely, that whenever a published fact, a new observation or thought came across me, which was opposed to my general results, to make a memorandum of it without fail and at once; for I had found by experience that such facts and thoughts were far more apt to escape from memory than favorable ones."
As quoted in
"Darwin’s result was due in large measure to his working method, which violated all my rules for misery and particularly emphasized a backward twist in that he always gave priority attention to evidence tending to disconfirm whatever cherished and hard-won theory he already had."
"In contrast, most people early achieve and later intensify a tendency to process new and disconfirming information so that any original conclusion remains intact."
As written by Charlie Munger, cited here:
"Let theory guide your observations [otherwise one] might as well go into a gravel pit and count the pebbles and describe the colours."
Darwin, 1903
Cited in: Lawrence P., 2016 "Francis Crick: a singular approach to scientific discovery"
Ein langer Tag geht zu Ende - und wie jedes Jahr begehe ich am 12. Februar den #DarwinDay. Zu Charles #Darwin kursieren Vorurteile, v.a. unter Religiösen. Doch er hatte seinen einzigen Abschluss in anglikanischer #Theologie, sollte Pfarrer werden & dachte auch über die #Evolution der Religion nach. In seinem letzten Lebensjahr begeisterte er sich für ein Buch eines irischen Kollegen, das die Vereinbarkeit von Religion und Wissenschaft betonte. Happy Birthday, Charles!
#Darwin #DarwinDay #DíaDeDarwin
#Darwin in #Patagonia: tracing the naturalist’s route around the foot of #SouthAmerica
Darwin spent more than half of the five years of the Beagle expedition in the most southerly region of #Argentina, where his legacy is still vivid #evolution #fossils
37 year old #sistergirl #dead in #Darwin after #stabbing, #Man #arrested.
#EmergencyServices attended the scene where 37-year-old #Tiwi #sistergirl, who is not named by #LucyFromNaarm for #Indigenous #cultural #reasons, was found with a #stabwound to her #chest.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Australia #Police #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Misgendering #NoPoliceAtPride #SayHerName
A conversation.
“When experts disagree, usually the best thing to do is listen to what the majority of experts say. There’s no guarantee that they’re right, but they’re more likely right than wrong. And if the majority view is overturned, it’s almost guaranteed that this will be done by other experts in the field presenting evidence for the minority view, not by random kibitzers.”
“For the history buffs in here, while most scientific knowledge is advanced incrementally, the true breakthroughs are usually ridiculed by the reigning experts. That is why appeals to authority are the worst kind of logical fallacy for a scientist.”
“That’s the pop-history version of scientific progress. The actual #history of #science is very different. Kind of like the difference between ‘history buffs’ and historians.”
Yes, there are examples—a few—of genuine breakthroughs that were ridiculed by the scientific establishment of the day. I bet you know what they are, because everyone does. They laughed at #Semmelweis, they laughed at #Wegner, they laughed at Luis and Walter #Alvarez, they laughed at #Marshall and #Warren. These things happened.
But they did not laugh at #Galileo: indeed, they took his work with deadly seriousness. (And there really wasn’t any such thing as a “scientific establishment” at the time.) They did not laugh at #Newton, or #Watt, or #Darwin, or #Gibbs, or #Pasteur, or #Einstein, or #Curie, or #Heisenberg, or #Fisher, or #Watson and #Crick and poor unacknowledged #Franklin, or #Tharp and #Heezen, or #Ostrom and #Bakker, or #Hansen, or the vast majority of scientists whose work has fundamentally changed our understanding of the universe.
At least if by “they” you mean scientists working in relevant fields, who understood the questions at hand … not, in most cases, scientists from other fields, or those with no scientific experience at all. Nor the religious and political ideologues who muddy the waters by creating fake “controversies” to cast doubt on results they know are true, but cannot accept.
In some cases they disagreed, quite vociferously. There were debates that descended into shouting matches, professional disagreements turned into personal feuds, once-eminent researchers become sad cranks, ruined careers and shortened lives. Yes. These things happened too, and that’s a tragedy.
But most of the time, most researchers in the same fields as the revolutionaries said, “Oh, that makes sense!” Problems that had seemed insoluble suddenly became simple, or at least it was possible to see how there might be an elegant solution. Major discoveries spawned a host of medium-sized ones, each of which in turn spawned endless minor ones—and endless minor papers, academic bread and butter for when you can’t get steak and lobster. Everyone wins.
Those ideologues I mentioned above? They really, really want you to believe the narrative of ridicule. You might want to consider why.
"They say Jacobo was firing a gun out a window at a hillside, and when he brought it back inside, he fired a round which accidentally struck the driver, who later died. He admitted they made up the road rage story to try to cover up the death. " #darwin #guns #stupidity
Whoop, whoop! My 2021 article 'Darwin's Closet: The Queer Sides of The Descent of Man (1871)' has now been viewed over 40K times!
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#history #histodons @histodons #histsci #histbio #HistSTM #HSTM #STS @histstm #QueerInSTEM #queer #lgbtq #lgbtqia #queerhistory #Pride #PrideMonth #LGBTplusHM #histsex #sex #biology #zoology #naturalhistory #science #animals #Darwin
PBS: Raw milk sales spike despite CDC’s warnings of risk associated with bird flu. Raw milk producer: "“Anything that the FDA tells our customers to do, they do the opposite.”
#hpai #h5n1 #darwin #darwinaward #birdflu #milk #rawmilk