As a long time #KDE #plasma6 / #kde_plasma user I have to say things just become worse and worse and I blame the #singleuser #development syndrome, where developers think there will always be one singe user logged in to a system at one time on a #multiuser system as #Linux
On my #laptop that I'm the only user Plasma6 works fine, but on a desktop computer which I share, things are completely different , plasmashell keeps on crashing or freezing (the panel becomes just a grey empty entity) and when switching between users, the audio is missing and the whole desktop freezes until plasma finds the audio device and reattached it, which happens like a minute after you have switched.
Another example is ksnip which don't handle multiple users at all, it seems that the first user who starts it will be the one running it, but the second user then can control the first users ksnip session.
The only reasons I still use plasma are the following
- #kwin is the only window manager I have found that allows me to disable all shortcuts for a specific app, this is so valuable when run a virtual machine, as you want all shortcuts to be for that instance than your own host.
- window manager that allows me to have close button on the left side of the title bar and the minimize/maximize on the right side.
- in window dialog the OK come to left of Cancel (yeah more of a #qt thing)
- Uses qt
- dont' use #CSD (this just makes everyone to use their own look for the window title and suddenly you have the messed up look from #microsoft instead of the uniformed look)
I have tried #lxqt but something causes the title bar to kwin to be twice as big as running with the same settings in plasma and it's not as keen on using kwallet where all my passwords are stored.