Privacy Guides - Private European Alternatives

#BuyFromEu in welcher Sprache auch immer #KaufAusderEU ist vermutlich aber die treffendere Übersetzung
This New Open-Source Alternative to Google Docs and Notion Is Backed by France and Germany
Docs is an web-based collaborative text editor that is the result of a joint effort led by the French (DINUM) and German
governments (ZenDiS).
It's a good alternative to popular services like Notion, Google Docs and Outline.
The platform offers real-time collaboration capabilities, a sleek minimalist interface, and all the essential features you could possibly need.
Best of all, Docs is open-source on GitHub and can be self-hosted, making it a viable option for local agencies and companies.
You can test Docs on your browser by visiting this page:
https://impress-preprod.beta.numerique.gouv.fr/ [impress-preprod.beta.numerique.gouv.fr]
using the login:
email: test.docs@yopmail.com
password: I'd<3ToTestDocs
You can also volunteer to help translating Docs to other languages here: https://crowdin.com/project/lasuite-docs
I recently received a Pocketbook E-book reader and I'm surprised by how much I like it.
Actually, I've written a whole blog post about it, which you can find here:
@tagesschau und dabei war es mal als Warnung an die britische Bevölkerung gedacht:
Kauft nicht im Ausland!
Zeit sich darauf zu besinnen: #buyfromeu #buyeuropean #unplugtrump
Joining the #European #propaganda team. Here you go: a short guide on how to become a digitally sovereign European citizen.
Here are some #europeanAlternatives to #gmail.
Damit sich #wero , die europäische Alternative für #paypal oder #klarna (geht an die US-Börse), etablieren kann, müssen so viele wie möglich diesen Dienst bei ihrer Bank in Anspruch nehmen / beantragen / anfordern und nutzen!
Ich verstehe nicht, warum die Banken Europas keine entsprechende Werbekampagne fahren...
"Hallo" to the German speaking part of our community.
You are now able to browse our database of European products and companies in German. Try it out today:
Had enough of big tech browser corpos like Google (Chrome) or Mozilla (Firefox) collecting your data and selling them to Advertisers?
Then it is time to uninstall them and get yourself a Norwegian browser Vivaldi with 0 external investors!
Feels good.
#buyFromEU #BoycottUSA
Do you know JOPLIN? It's a nice European alternative to apps like Evernote, Google Keep, Notion, Microsoft OneNote.
Joplin is a free, open source note-taking and to-do application, which can handle a large number of notes organised into notebooks. You can search your notes, copy them, tag them and modify them either from the app itself or from your own text editor. The notes are in Markdown format, which is great.
It was created by Laurent Cozic back in 2016 as an alternative to Evernote. It's cloud service is hosted in Paris, France. They focus on privacy, security and transparency.
It's open source and offline-first, so you can always access your data on the device, even when you're not connected to the internet.
It's got all the basics you'd expect, and you can also attach images, videos, audio files and PDFs to your notebooks.
There's a huge community of people who have made extra features possible with their plugins.
It's also super easy to export and import your files, which is great if you're worried about vendor lock-in.
The handy web clipper extension lets you save web pages or take screenshots in the browser and save them to your notes.
Check all the features in their website:
#notetaking #opensource #BuyFromEU #europeanalternatives
Follow them on Mastodon: @joplinapp
#BuyFromEu https://european-alternatives.eu/ vermeldet einen erhöhten Traffic durch #Trump - die Regierung der #USA ist der beste Verkäufer für EU Produkte. So wie es #Putin geschafft hat, Schweden und Finnland zur #Nato zu bringen, schafft es TrumpVance #Europa zu stärken.
B2B tools:
Handpicked list of privacy-focused European alternatives to big tech products for your business
#european #europe #privacy #gdpr #bigtech #BuyFromEU #B2B
Für #BuyFromEu muss man auch nicht zu Reddit — bei Lemmy gibt es das auch:
Unter dem Hashtag und in der Lemmy Community gibt es gute Tipps für europäische Produkte.
By the way, meet Qobuz. A French music streaming service that pays artists more than Apple Music /stream.
PS: Their plans are 30% cheaper on the website than via the app.
Looking for European #whatsapp alternatives?
Our database holds a few options you might want to share with friends and family.