Ready or not, back-to-school season is here, and kids will be bringing home more than homework. Here are some ways to minimize illness transmission from school to home:
#health #news #backtoschool #school
And here we go...
FFS will someone please educate these educators with the hard cold facts??
#Covid is #InTheAir #CovidIsAirborne
It's not very transmissible on surfaces.
It's super transmissible #ThroughTheAir
#CorsiRosenthal boxes in EVERY CLASSROOM and #MaskUP with #N95 or go home.
Show them how to make it fit well.
Peer pressure TO MASK
Save our future please.
In my area, students started their new school year this week.
(It's not even halfway through August!)
I remember starting the school year in September, which left enough of the year for two 16-week semesters, 8 weeks for summer school, and still time to take August off with the family, like civilized nations do.
LibreOffice is always free to download from our website. But it's also in the Microsoft Store for a small fee, which helps to cover the costs of putting it there and fund future development. And now there's a 15% #backtoschool discount:
We've got you covered to decorate your dorm room or college spaces
banners/tapestries, throw pillows, blankets, towels, mugs, posters, yoga mats, water bottles, chairs and much more!
Wonderful news, everyone! Due to the generosity of my family, I’m going back to school to study to be a pharmacy technician So, there will be one extra trans person working behind the counter in a pharmacy down here in the rural South!
Can’t wait to serve the community