Montag: Diebstahlschutz für Supercharger, BMWs schnellere Elektro-Kurvenfahrten
Tesla-Ladestationen mit DyeDefender + BMW-Elektroauto mit 300-km/h-Kurven + AMDs wachsende CPU-Marktanteile + Thermomix mit Touch-Display + Online-Schrotthandel
Montag: Diebstahlschutz für Supercharger, BMWs schnellere Elektro-Kurvenfahrten
Tesla-Ladestationen mit DyeDefender + BMW-Elektroauto mit 300-km/h-Kurven + AMDs wachsende CPU-Marktanteile + Thermomix mit Touch-Display + Online-Schrotthandel
Thermomix TM7 mit großem Touch-Display kommt im April
Vorbestellt werden darf sofort, geliefert werden soll im April: Der Thermomix TM7 ist da. Einige neue Funktionen gibt es sofort - andere erst später.
Near full rebuild of the dryer appears to be complete. The replacement of the igniter seems to have restored this to full working order (knock on wood, LOL). Output of the burner measured inside the dryer was showing 100F before the new igniter, now reads 120F. Load of clothes dried in 2 hours; the load prior took 4 hours (heat too low!). #appliance #repair
Tempted to snag this as a spare, LOL (fixing my existing dryer though). The rumbling is worn rollers, which are not that expensive nor very hard to replace. #appliance #repair
Hmm, hoping I finally debug the Dryer of Theseus over the next few days, there is not much more to this I can replace. All small change parts (given this is a 1980's dryer), but still would like to get it working fully again.
(latest status: replaced all the temperature sensors, which most certainly were showing age/not reading proper resistance; these are essentially bimetallic switches triggered by temperature; already replaced the motor, the big ticket item; and just replaced the timer, because it was making "interesting" noises -- maybe broken plastic in the cams? But that was not the problem. Next is replacing the igniter, which I think is the likely culprit)
#appliance #repair
LOL still debugging my dryer. I'm now pretty sure the timer motor is dying, found a used one on eBay and waiting for it to arrive. Will not go down without a fight. There are NO electronics in this thing, only mechanical/electrical things. (It's now limping along, but the timer motor appears to be slow/not working). Dunking your dryer in a plumbing flood not recommended! #appliance #repair
1980's dryer is BACK IN BUSINESS. Maytag DG303. Found some long discontinued part someone was selling on eBay. #righttorepair #appliance #repair
Analyse und Kommentar: Sophos und der gebrochene Schwur
Sophos hat über Jahre Überwachungssoftware auf Systemen seiner Kunden installiert – natürlich im Namen der Sicherheit. Jürgen Schmidt sieht das kritisch.
Dryer motor in the temple of appliance repair. New motor ordered, but I need to get this pulley off... somehow. Soaking in PB blaster. #appliance #repair
Saga of the dryer continues. Rip in the felt around the door was causing metal on metal contact. Local parts guru found the replacement felt and insisted on giving it to me for $0.00. Hope this fixes it, otherwise we're moving on to replacing the motor ($200). #dryer #appliance #repair
#Random Blower wheel is fine, motor runs fine when dryer drum is NOT installed. Found a loose connection on the motor which was rattling and which started shorting... re-crimped a new connector on the motor (but, that is not the problem). Too much friction on the drum when installed. Looks like the felt between the front drum cover section and the drum has ripped and some metal on metal contact, so will probably take that to the parts place and consult the guru on next steps.. #appliance #repair
Drat. Fixed one squealing wheel in the (ancient) dryer, but it's still not running well, and it sounds like the blower wheel is ALSO squealing. Runs for 10 minutes and then thermal shutdown due to overheated blower motor. (note: this dryer was dunked in a plumbing burst... so....) Debugging continues... #appliance #repair
Unexpected dryer rebuild today, LOL. Maytag DG303. Appliance guy says the last year these were made was in 1990. #appliance #repair
Over 300K Samsung stoves in Canada recalled over fire hazard - National | Globalnews.ca
Samsung is recalling more than 1 million electric ranges after numerous fire and injury reports https://www.firstalert4.com/2024/08/08/samsung-is-recalling-more-than-1-million-electric-ranges-after-numerous-fire-injury-reports/
Hatch recalls over 44,300 power adapters in Canada over shock hazard - National | Globalnews.ca
This hair clipper is being recalled over a burn risk. What to know - National | Globalnews.ca
Nearly 600,000 portable chargers sold at Costco recalled for fire risk https://www.firstalert4.com/2024/06/20/nearly-600000-portable-chargers-sold-costco-recalled-fire-risk/