#1 makes sense; sure.
#2 seems fine to try but I am a little skeptical about the chances of success without domain knowledge. A Coral Edge TPU in particular feels quite unnecessary — most spam models are totally fine running on CPU. I am also a little surprised to see the first impression is to build rather than looking for existing local solutions.
#3 Sure, if it’s user by user opt in, that could be fine. I’d also ask — would false positives (flagged in an automated manner, reviewed by a human and found to be not spam) be entered as well to be trained on, or no?
#4 Seems reasonable, though I would hope that their posts would still be visible when directly viewing their profile page. I would also hope there is some mechanism in place such that automated techniques routinely misidentify a user, that they be exempted from this after ~2 times. I would also be curious to see some stats on this in transparency reports.
#2: I’ve had some light experience before specifically with TensorFlow Lite models during my degree program. For the Coral Edge TPU, we wanted to off-load the processing to try to get the speed as near to zero latency as possible, though admittedly, it would potentially be superfluous. I’m also looking into some existing models I could potentially use but hadn’t found any that particularly stood out, but if anyone has any recommendations I’d love to check them out!
#3: Good question; If the system flags a post automatically as potentially spam, and the team determine it’s not spam, I would probably like to be able to train on that message as “ham” / not-spam to avoid future false positives. But, that would be an extension of the scope of what we’d train on, so I’d very much like feedback on that too.
#4: Yes, when a user is limited the profile will show a content warning before the contents of the profile. I believe the prompt is something like “This user has been hidden by the moderators of [instance name]”. For repeated mis-identifications, yes, edge-cases like this we could approve the user and exempt them from future automated reports.