We had another dusting of snow! And without going into enough detail to have to cw, it was making me feel down. I couldn't figure out WHY (I will cw the next post) and then I also realized my chronic pain had crept up to like a 6*.
Oh. Spring is coming, Toronto. The pain in my knees and hips and shoulders has decreed it.
*This is not new. I've had this since my early 30s. It should not surprise me every spring, but it does.
cw MH
I am also depressed for actual depression reasons, but the level of depression was higher than the ptsd triggers and my brain was even like "This is weird and not right"
And I stood up and the pain just went through me like wow.
I have taken a painkiller.
cw MH
OH. Spiderman: No Way Home also probably contributed to this depression.
I swear, movies need to have a content warning for abandonment/second death (being forgotten) because cptsd right there. No wonder I feel so bad.