Status update
Both instances are back online again! We’re currently transferring cached media from remote instances to the local storage, so avatars, emojis, and older attachments may currently appear as broken images.
As of Feb 7th at 10:45 PM Mountain Time, has re-generated all feeds, while is continuing with an estimated 25 minutes to go. We’re also re-generating the ElasticSearch indicies which power the full-text search system and expect that to continue through the night.
Having issues with Emojis on the ( instance, all external ones, from other users appear broken, they show up as the text and glitch when hovered over. Reached out on Mastodon earlier about this, thought I’d also message here too.
@Draconic_NEO @crashdoom ditto here, but it seems to be more of an issue with servers we regularly interact with, like, and less so for uncertain others.