Please help and support a small disabled Artist
Need something for living
Shipping Worldwide!
Please help and support a small disabled Artist
Need something for living
Shipping Worldwide!
Please help me to reach my Goal!
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I want a life back and because of my disabilities I cant get normal jobs.
I need help to buy food etc.
Account is empty and cant buy groceries...
Every help means everything to me!
I am just a small Artist and dont know someone. Have someone maybe a Code for me?
I already make a Account but need a Code to be there as Artist.
I create Comics, sell Merch and do Commissions for living. I want to safe enough to leave my toxic parents and I want to have all options to be found.
I have add a new Membership on Patreon. If you want you can get with monthly support Merch too!
Of course I am always open for Wishes.
As a small Artist I can listen to you.
I will see if I can finish the next Page of the Comic today.
I am thankful for any support, everything helps me to exist