thomas yager-madden<p>So believe me when I tell you this <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>schizoid</span></a> personality business I post about occasionally, a lot of the usually associated traits with me they go to just about to eleven. I mean, the therapist and I agree that in a lot of the surface details I have a successful enough life across many dimensions that I don’t qualify for a personality disorder diagnosis. Although I must admit even being as it were “too functional to be considered really sick” can be its own little trigger sometimes. I’ve sometimes compared it to being like a borderline case, only without having even the flawed release valve of acting out. I just internalize a lot, both in relationships and from my whole environment, and that’s as much behind my high sensory sensitivity as being highly sensitive to both sensory inputs and emotional states are part of the whole dynamic. </p><p>Before I was introduced to Nancy McWilliams’s work on schizoid dynamics (along with Elaine Aron on HSP stuff) I often wondered about myself and ASD and/or ADHD. I absolutely respect anyone’s diagnosis or self-diagnosis along such lines, and I also doubt any of these categories or models are actually quite so neatly distinct in the subjectivity of any individual psyche, especially among survivors of complex trauma. But for me the schizoid model really feels like the best fit, and educating myself on the study of schizoid adaptations has really gone a long way to helping me relate to myself with much more understanding and compassion. I encourage anyone who’s felt not comfortably at home in the world in a deep way to look into it some time. Maybe it’s not you, but then again maybe I’m not the only one for whom it might help untangle some things.</p><p>So but anyway, all of this is really just preface to establish my bona fides as a dude who can be easily overstimulated and kind of shut down or short circuit in unfamiliar environments, and especially when there’s a lot of new input to process at once. And even when not at the point of overwhelm, too much stuff at once can provoke anxiety and discomfort and things like loud noises or flashing lights can just make it so I feel like I can’t think (although another weird schizoid superpower is I can be weirdly able to selectively tune out certain annoyances that I see others fail in attempts to ignore).</p><p>So believe me when I say it always feels like a plain miracle that every time I come to New York City I just love it here. It seems like I should hate the crowds and the noise and even very extroverted people I know stay far away from Times Square, but I could just walk around for hours in any part of town. It somehow feels like I’m walking on a tightrope with ease and never falling. I have amusing and friendly banter with street vendors and shopkeepers and doormen. I take photos of street art. All my personal problems seem solveable. </p><p>I keep almost compulsively going for walks just to soak up more of the magic of it, and a huge part of the feeling at this point is just a big like mystical curiosity because I really genuinely don’t understand how I am able to enjoy myself so much here, — like I just literally cannot conceive of how it’s possible that I am feeling this good in the midst of all this — and but then the other bigger part is just the joy of being open to it.</p><p>Man that’s a lotta words and the crux of the thing is really unexplainable. It’s a vibe, the city, and I’m grateful for learning to catch some of it even if I’ll never understand how I pull it off</p>