a little Monday pep talk from Adam Conover
"The Tesla protests are working"
a little Monday pep talk from Adam Conover
"The Tesla protests are working"
With this back & forth weather, March keeps coming back in like a lion!
"Within each of us there is the heart of a lion, the courage to simply be who & what we are regardless of others opinions or our own fears." --Oriah Dreamer
Let me show you a few spots around where I live. #Fotomontag #Monsterdon #MondayMotivation #PhotoMonday #photography #porto #streetphotography
So many cool people won't be at #GDC2025 can we connect digitally? #GameDeveloperConference #GDC
What are you waiting for? Let's start the new week together!
#Eurofurence 27, #Hamburg
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." --Miyamoto Shigeru
It's MAR10 so Happy MARIO Day! We took this #MondayMotivation quote by the creator of "Super Mario Bros" himself to heart this past weekend at Cleveland ConCoction when we decided to not rush our commedia dell'arte pastorale parody of the game and instead do the best stage reading we could of "The Mushrooms of Arcadia"!
Wir starten die Woche mit einem Privacy-Quote von Noam Chomsky: Ich denke, jeder kennt jemanden, der gerne von sich behauptet „Ich hab doch nichts zu verbergen.“
!#MondayMotivation #privacy #quote #zitat #nsa #teamdatenschutz #digitalisierung #datenschutz #data #monday #montag
Good morning! Marley in the Morning starts at the top of the hour! We're bringing you 3 hours of #classics, #80s at 8, The Workout Track and a ton more! Tune in and start your week right! https://anchor.radio #radio #morning #MondayMotivation
I did two adult tasks today and now I'm useless.
When March is said to come in like a lion and we have another fantasy commedia dell'arte pastoral with fearsome beasts and frightening enchanters this upcoming weekend at Cleveland ConCoction, here's a topical #MondayMotivation!
"I remember in the circus learning that the clown was the prince, the high prince. I always thought that the high prince was the lion or the magician, but the clown is the most important." --Roberto Benigni
Heads up! Your Monday morning soundtrack is sorted! Marley in the Morning debuts TOMORROW at 7AM! We're bringing you 3 hours of classics, 80s at 8, The Workout Track and a ton more! Tune in and start your week right! https://anchor.radio #radio #morning #mondaymotivation
Finding the humor in many things is a way to see and survive the world. But one should always put a conscious effort into comedy so we bring joy and make the world better.
"I always believe that funny is serious and serious is funny. You don’t really need a distinction between them." --Trevor Noah
"Keep exploring. Keep dreaming. Keep asking why. Don’t settle for what you already know. Never stop believing in the power of your ideas, your imagination, your hard work to change the world." --Barack Obama
Guten Morgen, good morning, доброго ранку, god morgen, bom dia, buongiorno, bonjour, صباح الخير, кαλημέρα...
From today's dog walk, we have wonderful winter weather in #Berlin
Have a good start to the new week everyone!