#lichen #cladonia #fungi #macro #macrophotography #inaturalist #nature #canada #britishcolumbia #vancouver #coquitlam
A tiny jumping spider hides in a lavender flower to stalk its prey.
iPhone 15 Pro main camera + home made lens for close focusing
Una diminuta araña saltadora se esconde en una flor de lavanda para acechar a su presa.
Eine winzige Springspinne versteckt sich in einer Lavendelblüte, um sich an ihre Beute heranzupirschen.
#macro #macrophotography
#insects #animals #nature
#shotonmobile #shotoniphone
The eyes of the Pieris rapae butterfly remind me of golf balls.
North of Alicante. Spain. March
iPhone main camera + a homemade lens for close focusing.
Los ojos de la mariposa Pieris rapae me recuerdan a pelotas de golf.
Die Augen des Schmetterlings Pieris rapae erinnern mich an Golfbälle.
#macro #macrophotography #shotoniphone
#insects #animals #nature #butterfly
There's a lot of tiny detail in this lichen, despite it being mostly one colour...and so many shapes. It's possibly a Parmelia???
Update: Probably Pseudevernia furfuracea, thanks to feedback from @Hagukh!
Pretty pleased with that one! #insects #MacroPhotography
Every once in a while I grab one of my vintage lenses and adapt it to my Fuji, add a combo of extension tubes and head out into the forest to see what small things I can find.
I often search for scenes like this one - a small capped mushroom standing proud on a log. To my joy, I noticed this very tiny slug traversing the log too. For scale, this mushroom is the size of the white of my thumbnail! Tiny!