#macos life hacks: rm ~/Library/CoreFollowUp/items.db; pkill followupd
deletes a bunch of the annoying-ass naggy shit in macos 14 and up
Flew my hot-rod DHC-2 Beaver to the gravel strip at Lake Pillsbury. My landing was awful as I slammed my right wing into the ground. #XPlane #ThrandaDHC2 #FlightSim #macOS
heise+ | Linux auf exotischer Hardware: Fedora Asahi Remix statt macOS
Das Asahi-Linux-Projekt entwickelt einen Fedora-Abkömmling als alltagstaugliche Linux-Distribution für Macs mit M-Chips. So installieren Sie Linux neben macOS.
@EUCommission Dejad de imponer reglas y exigir que #Apple abra sus dispositivos y tecnologías a terceros.
Quien quiera más interoperabilidad que no compre productos de Apple.
Los que compramos #iOS y #macOS lo hacemos por su fiabilidad y seguridad. Algo que estáis comprometiendo con todo esto.
Al final sólo conseguís que a #EU no lleguen nuevas funcionalidades por estas políticas estúpidas.
Want to to delete all `foo` commands from your bash history. Here is how to do it with some bash kung-fu:
line=$(history | grep 'foo' | awk '{ print $1 }' | sort -r)
history -d $line
See https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/delete-command-from-history-linux-unix-osx-bash-shell/ for more info.
Since I had restic scripts that worked the way I like, and I installed Homebrew and restic on my wife's laptop yesterday…
I just adapted my scripts to her Mac and started a proper backup. Duh. I've also made a .plist so I can set it up to run every hour once the initial upload is done.
The terminal-notifier app doesn't currently work in 15.3 though.
@portaloffreedom @notjustbikes unlikely, cuz making a new OS & Kernel from scratch is absurdly expensive and costly if you want more than 1980s TUI...
I do however expect #Linux distros to become mainstream.
#Macos #mac Mac users, there’s an update to GIMP 3.0 called revision 1 that fixes missing tabs on the Colors windows
You will see the file ends with -1.dmg now.
Thank you to all who reported it!
Hi all, is there a keyboard shortcut in VLC for Mac to seek back/forward within a track? The rewind/fast-forward media keys only switch tracks. #MacOS #Voiceover #Blind #Technology #VLC #KeyboardShortcuts
Par rapport à la politique fermée d'Apple, Android ou du moins #AOSP est quand même moins pire !
@e_mydata est peu médiatisée, et @GrapheneOS encore moins.
(Cette deuxième me parait de surcroit, only-nerds-friendly et compatible avec peu d'appareils.)
To date, I have published 15 articles (1045 pages) with the strict goal of helping the cybersecurity community.
ERS (439 pages, so far):
[+] ERS 05: https://exploitreversing.com/2025/03/12/exploiting-reversing-er-series-article-05/
[+] ERS 04: https://exploitreversing.com/2025/02/04/exploiting-reversing-er-series-article-04/
[+] ERS 03: https://exploitreversing.com/2025/01/22/exploiting-reversing-er-series-article-03/
[+] ERS 02: https://exploitreversing.com/2024/01/03/exploiting-reversing-er-series-article-02/
[+] ERS 01: https://exploitreversing.com/2023/04/11/exploiting-reversing-er-series/
MAS (606 pages -- finished):
[+] MAS 10: https://exploitreversing.com/2025/01/15/malware-analysis-series-mas-article-10/
[+] MAS 09: https://exploitreversing.com/2025/01/08/malware-analysis-series-mas-article-09/
[+] MAS 09: https://exploitreversing.com/2024/08/07/malware-analysis-series-mas-article-08/
[+] MAS 07: https://exploitreversing.com/2023/01/05/malware-analysis-series-mas-article-7/
[+] MAS 06: https://exploitreversing.com/2022/11/24/malware-analysis-series-mas-article-6/
[+] MAS 05: https://exploitreversing.com/2022/09/14/malware-analysis-series-mas-article-5/
[+] MAS 04: https://exploitreversing.com/2022/05/12/malware-analysis-series-mas-article-4/
[+] MAS 03: https://exploitreversing.com/2022/05/05/malware-analysis-series-mas-article-3/
[+] MAS 02: https://exploitreversing.com/2022/02/03/malware-analysis-series-mas-article-2/
[+] MAS 01: https://exploitreversing.com/2021/12/03/malware-analysis-series-mas-article-1/
The blog home page is: https://exploitreversing.com/
I will be back in a few months with the next articles in the Exploiting Reversing series, which will focus on vulnerability and exploitation, once I have laid all the necessary groundwork. I'm currently taking a break from writing to focus on research.
Enjoy reading and have an excellent day.
heise+ | Hackintosh mit AMD Ryzen 9000 bauen: macOS 15 auf aktueller PC-Hardware
Lust auf macOS, aber keine auf Apples Hardware? Dann bauen sie sich doch einen Hackintosh. Das geht sogar mit dem neusten macOS 15 und aktuellen CPUs.