I am kinda on the Karmic side of #infotech
If you were lazy ok with corps eating all your data because #privacy was not your concern.
Or worse, were one of those Muppets who espoused "I have nothing to hide, so I have nothing to fear" and accepted ubiquitous #surveillance from your Government without any action on your part...
...you absolutely have no leg to stand on and get all squeally about #ai #generative #llm eating all your precious doodles and unpublishable writings you blogged.
You allowed this to happen by your inaction.
Just because you were unequipped to see the consequences, you were happy to abandon us, who tried to hold the thin red line against the #dataabuse.
I looked over my shoulder, and there was no one behind us.
These things do not happen overnight and if we had strong regulatory regime, we would not be here now.
Instead the public stampeded into the cloud and big data like farm animals to slaughter.
At #work, I have a rather convenient design, a kind of cake and eat it too arrangement. I have #QNAP #NAS servers arrayed across 13 branches of the company, all keeping synchronized data with us in #Kalamazoo. Each of these NAS servers have three #Seagate #IronWolf drives. They were all built together, back in 2019, 2/8/2019 specifically. The first branch has failed, and the replacement drives couldn't make it in time so we lost the whole array. #infotech #entropy
Let's use AI for everything!
#ai #enshittification #waste #infosec #networking #networksecurity #infotech #it
lol linus torvalds can be funny in a non-stupid, non-mainstream way. love it. his next comment (same source) explains it a bit more for those open-minded enough to listen:
#quote | «If I didn't have strong opinions, I
wouldn't be in this business. I'd be just another random user using DOS
and windows, I'm afraid».
I despise the algorithm patois that worsens all our language online.
"Comedian EVISCERATES Trump supporters with basic fact"
"Ben Shapiro DESTROYS college student"
"Nancy Pelosi EXPLODES over migrant issue"
We are talking like this to appease machines, not people. It fucking sucks. It's poisonous, escalatory, and needlessly violent speech.
Great example of how helpful #ChatGPT is: it just walked me through the math behind #PublicKeyCryptography. I kind of, sort of understand the math better now.
It also came up with #emacs #lisp code to show each step of the math involved, for whichever two primes are input. It seems to work fine, without any tweaking or fixing.
Don't worry - I know enough #CyberSecurity to know not to try to roll my own *anything*. This is just for showing #K12 #InfoTech students how public key crypto works.
Great #website for all of your free internet privacy and operating system needs, if it is missing anything please ask as I have other handy free infotech resources also.
#software #firmware #operatingsystem #infotech #apps #privacy #internet #free #classwar #informationtechnology
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