I am in the job market for a remote red team or offensive security engineer role. I am seasoned full-stack software developer, a OSCP-certified pentester (currently working on CRTO), and system administrator with plenty of cloud experience.
Before my current role leading the IT & Cybersecurity team at NNAF, I did security research (including developing an improved reflective DLL injection technique [0] that helped inspire the widely used sRDI project [1][2] and has been cited by academics and other security researchers [3][4][5]) and performed pentesting and appsec for a variety of clients from global hedge funds to healthcare to aerospace engineering. Prior to that I did low-level embedded firmware development and experimental research for a wireless mesh networking platform.
For the last year I have been building an advanced, fully-featured red teaming/adversary simulation platform (which I am happy to demo for potential employers), including a web-based multi-user team server, scriptable API, a cross-platform flagship agent with novel evasion techniques, a variety of cross-platform payloads and stagers, relaying and pivoting, and an easily-extensible set of C2 protocols, both synchronized and asynchronous.
I am an excellent verbal and written communicator, comfortable translating highly technical topics for a variety of audiences from executives to engineers, and have consistently produced high quality reports for clients. I have experience programming in almost a dozen languages and am quick to learn new technologies.
Boosts appreciated!
[0] https://disman.tl/2015/01/30/an-improved-reflective-dll-injection-technique.html
[1] https://www.netspi.com/blog/technical/adversary-simulation/srdi-shellcode-reflective-dll-injection/
[2] https://github.com/monoxgas/sRDI
[3] https://www.oic-cert.org/en/journal/pdf/1/1/116.pdf
[4] https://euskalhack.org/securitycongress/PDF/Understanding_a_payload's_life.pdf
[5] https://posts.specterops.io/merlin-v0-7-0-release-roll-up-717739cde77a