Ugh, if they come for the museums I might actually have to chain myself to something.
Ugh, if they come for the museums I might actually have to chain myself to something.
#Africa #museums #GLAM #HumanRemains
'Museums and other cultural and educational institutions should stop the public display of African ancestral remains, a parliamentary policy briefing has said.
Commissioned by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Afrikan Reparations, the Laying Ancestors to Rest report addresses the ethical, cultural and historical concerns surrounding African ancestral remains, many of which were taken during colonial rule.'
Relatedly: if anyone you know needs some extra help with equitable evaluation or research projects (data collection, analysis, study design) or strategic planning, I'd greatly appreciate contacts or connections!
My website has a sampling of my previous collaborators - mostly in the glam and nonprofit sector. I'm most proud + humbled that I learned from and worked with the Equitable Evaluation Initiative, and I'd like to put that to work!
Jetzt Postersession! Alle GLAM-Aficionados kommt zu unserem Stand: AG Sammlungen als Daten!
Trove API users beware! I had a meeting with the NLA on Friday about my cancelled API keys and was shocked by changes in their policy towards API use that could have a big impact of HASS research using #Trove data. More details: https://updates.timsherratt.org/2025/03/02/trove-api-users-beware-the.html Please share! #GLAM #histodons @histodons #digitalHumanities
#aging #dementia #LGBTQ #Wales #GLAM
'Important items from Museum of Cardiff's collection will form part of a special app package aimed at supporting LGBTQ+ community members in Cardiff living with dementia.
Launching during LGBTQ+ History Month, LGBTQ+ in Wales will evoke memories of queer Welsh history, as Museum of Cardiff joins with other organisations across Wales to support LGBTQ+ people living with dementia in their communities.'
Help! On Friday the National Library of Australia suspended my Trove API keys, threatening 15 year's work helping researchers use & understand Trove. If you use my tools or value my work you might like to let the NLA know. Details here: https://updates.timsherratt.org/2025/02/24/years-of-work-on-trove.html Please share! #GLAM #histodons #digitalHumanities @histodons
I like long-form content on YouTube, and watch through FreeTube because it has no ads and sponsors, and I'm looking for some female creators to watch.
As someone exploring my fluid identity, I'd love recommendations for creators who cater to women, and LGBTQ+ creators are a big plus!
While acknowledging the capitalist nature of it all, I find that female-created content resonates with my own journey of femininity and gender fluidity.
These are some of the creators I'm currently into, to help you understand my taste:
- Estee Lalonde: https://www.esteelalonde.com/video
- Anna Newton: https://www.theannaedit.com
- Lynn Saga: https://www.youtube.com/@lynnsaga1397
Got any favorites? Share them below!
For #FreeCADFriday I've been doing a tiny bit of experimenting with the RNIB's braille font in FreeCAD to see how easy it would be to create the sort of "cards" that Dr Alex Ball has been making for his visually-impaired @museuminabox
Initial experiments look promising.
Calling #librarians and #GLAM-experts who would be up to advise @SafeguardingResearch:
We are designing a dataset catalogue for sharing data using torrents. It needs to be as simple as possible but no simpler. We need review of our metadata schema by an expert to make sure we haven't missed essential things.
See: https://safeguarding-research.discourse.group/t/metadata-schema/180 [safeguarding-research.discourse.group]
#DigitalHumanities #OpenBiblio et al.
Alaka Wali and Tom Skwerski (eds.), "The Future is Indigenous: Stories from the new Native North America Hall at the Field Museum" (2024)
An open-access book covering the 4-year renovation of the Native North American Hall at Chicago's Field Museum. Partnership with #Indigenous peoples "was a central focus... [it] examines the collaborative journey of the exhibition, presenting perspectives on its major themes and the processes by which it was created."
Jason Evans has been championing the wiki projects at the Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru | The National Library of Wales for ten years now!
In this blog he reflects on Wikimedia UK's collaboration with the library, and how it's built a sustainable future for Welsh culture online through open access.
#welsh #culture #heritage #languages #cymru #libraries #GLAM
Our theme for February will be? Love!
Please share your stories of love in the archives.
Tag us or use #EYALove
@archivistodon @histodons #archives #archivists #libraries #museums #galleries #GLAM #love #stories
These photos are stunning.
"Broken glass: accidental beauty in the Library’s photographic collection:
Digitisation, while often making material more accessible, is also a means of recording an object’s last gasp, not just as an image frozen in time, but also as a deteriorating physical form."
I like the framing of unnecessary/unjustified copyright claims as 'taxes on research, creativity and knowledge' by @CultureDoug (https://douglasmccarthy.com/presentations/). Probably nothing any #glam instituion can be proud of.
Am Donnerstag ist es wieder so weit: das nächste kuwiki tips & tools steht an! Dieses mal geht es um das Thema "Museen und Vermittlung – im Wikiversum?".
Wir freuen uns auf Beiträge von Julia Meer aus dem Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg und Hanna Warth-Geraci aus dem Landesmuseum Württemberg.
23.01., 18:30 Uhr
Infos und Zoomlink: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Arbeitsgemeinschaft_Kunstwissenschaften_%2B_Wikipedia/tips_%26_tools
Attn: Museum professionals. I’m working with a group looking at what social media GLAM sector professionals are gravitating towards. I’d love your input to be able to share which one(s) are the most used. Which one(s) do you use to connect with colleagues, share ideas, look for opportunities, etc.?
Museumskritik für Hacker*innen, Mitschnitt hier:
J'ai publié la nouvelle page du cours "Data & Corpus Wikimedia" en abordant la mesure de la consultation des fichiers médias qui fait l'objet d'une nouvelle mesure accessible via API ou dumps. N'hésitez pas à me faire part de vos remarques. https://callisto-formation.fr/mod/book/view.php?id=14048&chapterid=269 #OpenGlam #Glam #Wikipedia #WikiCommons
Don't miss @maerchen1313's 1st annual XMESS SPECIAL this Saturday (tomorrow!) from 4-11 p.m. on #Twitch: GOTHS SPIN THE 70s. We have #glam #punk #goth #rock #synth and #disco. It'll be goth-adjacent & just plain fun. With co-host @Skwerlie1. Join us! https://twitch.tv/maerchen1313