Listening to #Gabbard talk about #cyber #espionage I’m like, she’s kidding right?
@hoernchen72 @fasnix @expertenkommision_cyberunfall EXAKT DAS!
Oft sind das #Betrüber die Menschen dazu überreden (#SocialEngineering / #SocialHacking) und/oder entsprechend #FUD machen.
Ist nix anderes als die #Schockanruf-Taktik, nur halt 'irgendwas mit #Cyber' und sei's nen Fake-#Popup.
»#Checkbox als Köder – Bundesamt warnt vor gefährlichen Captchas:
Checkboxen oder Bildaufgaben zum Beweis, dass man ein #Mensch und keine #Maschine ist, kennt jeder. Dadurch genießen sogenannte #Captchas ein gewisses Vertrauen. Das nutzen #Cyber-#Kriminell'e gnadenlos aus.«
Ärgerlich war diese #pseudo #Sicherheit'stechnik schon immer aber es ist schon länger "veraltet". #Hacker- & #KI-Angriffe verhindert mensch schon lange ua mit Proof-of-Work (#PoW) und der gleichen.
#NINAsec is out!
La puntata di oggi vede un primo carosello di #cyber insights della settimana e l’analisi di tre nuovi tool con qualche codice di esempio per l’implementazione
Healthcare Compliance Specialist, Amazon Security Healthcare Compliance
Amazon.com Services LLC
Austin, United States
Decided to take a jab here to hunt down a job as well, so here it goes. I am a recent graduate (major in computer security) looking for an entry-level (intern/junior) position to get some industry experience and training under my belt.
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Thanks for the read and have a nice day :)
#FediHire #fedijobs #getfedihired #devops #blueteam #cyber
No, your Wi-Fi didn’t "Just Stop Working"...!Researchers have uncovered a new #cyber threat: reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) technology, meant to improve wireless communication, can also enable highly targeted jamming attacks
, making Wi-Fi disruptions more precise & harder to counter. https://www.mpg.de/24247447/wifi-jamming?c=2249
Politics, USpol, cybersecurity, CIA, Natsec
CNN: "The CIA is conducting a formal review to assess any potential damage from an unclassified email sent to the White House in early February that identified for possible layoffs some officers by first name and last initial and could’ve exposed the roles of people working undercover, a source familiar with the matter told CNN. "
New: https://www.patreon.com/posts/cybersecurity-18-122532103
There's an AI-obsessed cult led by a former Google employee on a murder spree, Codeberg is under attack by far-right trolls, new US #cyber director has no cyber experience, Jeep owners are getting barraged with in-car pop-up ads, and much more...
Advanced Cyber Service Center
Trend Micro
Tokyo, Japan
Apply now: https://totalcyber.io/jobs/trend-micro/advanced-cyber-service-center
The Atlantic: Four government IT employees tell Ian Bogost and Charlie Warzel that Elon Musk's incursion into the U.S. government may be worse than anyone realizes: “This is the largest data breach and the largest IT security breach in our country’s history." https://archive.is/Wqw6F
Do not disturb!
They're transferring data (the single braincell) between themselves
#FursuitFriday +
conectec species @ aimtec18
Maimtec (me)
#Furry #SwissFurry #ConecTec #CyberRaptor #Raptor #Cyber #Cyborg #Selfmade #Fursuit #Dino #Dinosaur #LED #Red #Blue #SingleBraincell