We’ve been watching the live action Cowboy Beebop, and the pup appreciates the #corgi representation!
We’ve been watching the live action Cowboy Beebop, and the pup appreciates the #corgi representation!
The pup is here to remind you to find your own comfy spots, no matter how strange they may seem to anyone else. #MonDog #DogsOfMastodon #corgi
I know it is #caturday, but how can I resist sharing this adorableness? #FediDogs #DogsOfFedi #Dogs #Corgi #DogsOfMastodon #DogsOfPixelFed
Can’t does not exist to her. #corgi #pembrokewelshcorgi #dog #DogsOfMastodon
Why is my corgi offended today? Stirring my coffee. #corgi #pembrokewelshcorgi #dog #DogsOfMastodon #potato
It’s been a while since I managed a #MonDog post because I’ve been busy with a new job, but the pup is here to remind me that it’s very important that people see her new pink bandana.
#DogsOfMastodon #corgi
We finally have decent snow and the girls are so happy! #bernese #berner #bernersennenhund #bernesemountaindog #corgi #pembrokewelshcorgi #dog #DogsOfMastodon