How do you avoid compartmentalization while ALSO avoiding burnout?
I have been trying to do things radically different than most. I'm the type of person who bone headingly rushes face first into cognitive dissonance. I am resistant (but obviously not immune) to social pressure. One example of this is continuing to use N95 masks in all public (and most private spaces with the exception of my house).
Over the past few months, I have actually gotten myself OUT OF burnout! So, I don't need help getting OUT of burnout, but STAYING out.
One of the ways that I have been avoiding compartmentalization is through intense meditation and processing emotions in the now while also maintaining some logic capacity. This is quite difficult (and at times draining), but overall I prefer this to compartmentalizing.
Why am I avoiding compartmentalization you may ask? I notice those who compartmentalize a lot feel... too detached from folks. They feel almost like a husk, including those that aren't burned out. I don't want to be like that. I also HATE cognitive dissonance. If I feel cognitive dissonance, I FORCE myself to confront it. I FORCE myself to deal with it and deliberately break psychological defenses that hide cognitive dissonance. As you probably can tell, I have also been traumatized from a lot of folks who do compartmentalization and I do think that a significant (though not 100% obviously) was caused in part BECAUSE of their compartmentalization.
I have no clue how to tag this, but I am picking tags that might be relevant (I am autistic with cPTSD before you ask.)