You and your fellow springtails are peacefully feeding on organic debris next to a stream when suddenly a dark shape rapidly approaches from beneath a leaf. It's a predatory, semi-aquatic rove beetle of the genus Stenus whose appearance causes the springtails to release their furculas, leaping in random directions to escape. The defeated rove beetle raises its abdomen in frustration and resumes the hunt.
La naturaleza nos da joyas vivas como la Halmus chalybeus, un escarabajo relacionado con las mariquitas pero de color azul metalizado. James Niland #escarabajos #beetles #coleoptera
This is a whimsical mini print of a couple of Snowflake Beetles a widely unknown, quite possibly, completely #imaginary creature. These miniscule #insects are camouflaged to match their environment, fresh fallen snow. Each of their hexagonal shields (the elytra) are disguished as snowflakes. Through an extraordinary instance of biomimicry, each pattern is as unique; it is believed that no 2 Snowflake #Beetles are the same.*
#linocut #printmaking #snowflake
Orange Ladybird (Halyzia sedecimguttata),_Norway_2021-08-22.jpg
It’s Saturday night. Here are two palmetto tortoise beetles with adorable feet having sex. #insects #coleoptera #beetles #Chrysomelidae
Leaf beetles' evolutionary success linked to gene transfer and symbiosis
"Almost all #LeafBeetles have incorporated foreign genetic material into their genome, which is responsible for the production of #enzymes necessary to digest plant cell wall components... half of the species of leaf #beetles live in close association with symbiotic #bacteria. These #symbionts provide the beetles with important digestive enzymes, vitamins, and amino acids."
thinking about bess beetles
#insects #beetles #invertibrates
Mientras en Europa el escarabajo sanjuanero (Melolontha melolontha) emerge del suelo cuando aumentan las temperaturas, en Australia, en pleno verano, uno sabe que es Navidad por los escarabajos Anoplognathus. Además, son coloridos como las luces navideñas.Sockrosma #Navidad #Christmas #escarabajos #beetles #coleoptera #insectos #insects
Insect closeup
A very confiding Six-spotted Tiger Beetle in the woods at our place back in March
First weevil for 2025. Meet the Barely Hairy Baridine (Eisonyx crassipes), playing "possum". It was feeding on a plant when I disturbed it and, as many weevils will do, it dropped to the ground and played dead.
I think someone may have recently invented the name Barely Hairy Baridine for BugGuide as I don't see it in widespread use. This weevil is a member of the subfamily Baridinae, of which there may be 30,000 species globally.
El escarabajo Byrsax macleayi se alimenta de los cuerpos fructíferos de los hongos saprófitos que crecen en los troncos caídos de las selvas tropicales de Queensland y el norte de Nueva Gales del Sur, Australia. El macho tiene dos grandes cuernos y ambos sexos producen potentes sustancias olorosas. Jessa Thurman #escarabajos #beetles #coleoptera #insectos #insects
Golden Tortoise Beetle (Charidotella sexpunctata),_Ontario_02.jpg
El Helea perforata salta a la vista por el reborde en torno a su cuerpo y su abdomen peludo. Se especula que este reborde surgiera como adaptación para vivir en la corteza de los troncos caídos de eucalipto, pero que creciera como defensa contra depredadores y acumular humedad.jmwatson #escarabajos #beetles #insectos #insects #coleoptera
it's #WeevilWednesday. and the first night of Hanukkah. and this got into my head. quickly dashing it out before I have to prep for guests
#MastoArt #art #insects #beetles #weevils • #Coleoptera #Curculionoidea
Esta es la diferencia entre el Neoeuscelus longimanus macho y hembra. Keiki Fukui #escarabajos #beetles #coleoptera #insectos #insects