One of several clumps of #Crocus in a rather shady border near the pond. Late afternoon, when the sun does finally penetrate the magnificent but rather too big spruce tree.
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One of several clumps of #Crocus in a rather shady border near the pond. Late afternoon, when the sun does finally penetrate the magnificent but rather too big spruce tree.
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#Snowdrops in the grass #meadow. A photograph to acknowledge #Candlemas, or #Imbolc, tomorrow, 2 February.
The #Christmas period is truly over now as we head into late winter.
Imbolc falls halfway between the winter #solstice and the spring #equinox. It is a #Gaelic traditional festival celebrating light and the first signs of #spring.
Every year I hope for the snowdrops to rise up through the snow - in vain.
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A while ago I promised to do a writeup about #garlic growing. Here it is:
I harvested our #pumpkins a few days ago. Grown from #seed, they are #UchikiKuri.
Dark grey, windy, mild morning in the #garden
Please see alt text for details.
Very #autumnal already but the #courgette plants are still producing, better than earlier in the year. I am also still harvesting #tomatoes.
Updated my Saatchi Art portfolio with several new #photographs from the #garden. Saatchi is where you can buy #handmade limited edition #prints of my work.
#Lavatera in a border inspired by an #Austrian #Bauerngarten.
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#Garlic bundled and hung up to dry, or cure, under a roof I have by the back door. Very airy and dry, just what garlic needs.
A glossy #pheasant struts through the #garden.
They are such beautiful, exotic looking #birds. Contrary to their reputation, they are actually very #intelligent.
In any case, I like to think of our garden as a #sanctuary.
Like last year this is, who is eating the tender, young shoots of my tulips and other bulbs.
The #lungwort in the #wildflower area of the #garden is flowering. Such a happy sight at this time of the year and so important for early #insects.
#Compost, around a cubic metre of it. All materials from last year (2023). Looks good and smells and feels nice. Would already do for a #mulch but I won't be using it until the autumn, so it has another eight or nine months to decompose more. Home to lots of #earthworms.
My #happy moment of the day: Saw a beautiful #goldfinch on a #teasel #seedhead this morning. So rewarding because it confirms how important it is to leave #seedheads standing over the #winter.