An original ink illustration of a Vauxhall Tigra done by yours truly and available for you to enjoy!
Funky Vauxhall in the print shop:
Funky Vauxhall in the website shop:
Rough day yesterday replacing the water pump in the E90. Absolutely vile job. I was supposed to replace the thermostat, too, but the new one broke while trying to wrangle it into place, so I put the old one back in. Whatever.
Anyway, much more cheerful to share these pics my mom sent me of cars she saw on a walk yesterday afternoon. #WeirdCarMastodon
On the road to Winter Park FL this week so I'll do another #carspotting thread.
Starting with the very loud IQ.
Alright, eight hours without a damn break and this came out of it. It's pretty cool. Upper section looks like lightweight galvanised, because it is, but the bottle is strapped on to two lengths of about a foot of 1"x2" 3mm thick box section at the bottom; the upper part is just for organisation.
Need to hook up the new bottle, tidy up some rough bits, add some paint, and maybe add a tiny toolbox on it for consumables, but that's enough of that for today; I need a kebab.
can i interest you in some thin blue line pads? #weirdcarmastodon
Home from vacation. After nearly two months, the 22-year-old spare tire on the wagon appears to be holding air no problem. #WeirdCarMastodon
Am I the only one that had no idea that these existed?
Tesla Autopilot drives into Wile E Coyote fake road wall in camera vs lidar test
No I don't know who that guy is or care what you think about him.
As clean as it gets!
Not weird enough for #weirdcarmastodon maybe, but I guess it is quite rare in some parts of the world:
My own electric VW eUp! I think I bought if for around 10 years ago since the city I work in started with "rush hour toll" costing gas cars around 5€ each pass. It was imported from Germany with around 9k km and now I have passed around 120k.
The theoretical reach is 120 km, but in winter time is around half of that. () It got a onboard charger of max 16A, 3680 W. All services are done and only normal maintance as new brake discs has been replaced.
One of my favourite cars so far. :)
The Oldest Licensed Ambulance in the US Just Drove 3,233 Miles Cross-Country
The record-setting journey was done to raise awareness for first responders and the importance of continued training.
Anyway, before I could get too involved in that I ran one of my 2 disposable welding gas canisters empty. I knew they don't last long, but I expected more than ~two days, and now I know why nobody who does even modest amounts of MIGing bothers with the disposable bottles.
This, of course, has now escalated into a Side Quest.
There was a small hole in one of them. I could have patched this up with just weld, but the metal was perilously thin for about a half-inch all around it. I plated it from the back; it's neater that way and it might avoid fouling of the U-bolts (there is very little clearance).
The other one was much worse. It has been repaired before, and not too well (in fairness, with the seat welded on the axle there wasn't room to do it well). No idea how I'm going to fix that yet.
I chopped off the combined leaf spring seats/shock absorber mounts from the axle housing today. It didn't smell as bad as expected; because this was sitting in Green's yard for who knows how long, instead of being caked in grease it was full of leaves. Had the mother of all incense burners in the workshop for a little while.
Removing the remains of axle tubing was easier than I thought; it was only a couple of hours from first cut to finish.
‘You have unmet needs’: the psychology behind Australia’s love affair with big cars
The promise of adventure, attention, muscle and safety is driving consumers towards large vehicles – even as they fuel congestion and outstrip the size of car parks
Roadkill fans, the retvrn of Stubby Bob!!