Pixie cup & lipstick #lichens & #liverwort mixed in with assorted #mosses. Super green microworlds
Just another ecological component of a healthy & biodiverse, coastal temperate rainforest ecosystem on #Wsanec territory.
From yesterday.
#Columbine foliage is emerging.
#Iris heads are pushing up.
The anniversary of my Dad's death from #covid cardiac arrest is coming up again in June. If anyone wants to support me & my family with our remembrance of my Dad & also help support us in long battle for justice from unmasked #SaanichPolice - please add me on your Signal - phoenixserenity.54
I'd like to compile a bunch of audio messages & any kind of artwork for this year's ceremony of beloved remembrance for my Dad. He died after getting infected by unmasked staff in local hospital. Unmasked cops, including the lead cop, Jason Whittaker - who is president of the SPD union abused us. I also want to compile something to let Saanich PD know - I am not fucking letting this go.
Please record:
Fuck you, Jason Whittaker & add whatever you want to rest of audio recording.
Please create Fuck You, Jason Whittaker or similar messages to #Saanich Police & tell them what you think of their antimasking egotistical loser of a 'leader' they chose to represent them.
Information on the #LunarEclipse tonight, tuned to #VictoriaBC. The forecast says clouds, showers, and clear so who knows.
The clear sky chart is from https://www.cleardarksky.com/c/Victoriakey.html
Moonset this morning over #PKOLS.
Unnamed #creek running through the coastal temperate #rainforest
And here's the finished piece.
Victoria Sunset. This piece is acrylic on wood. It's 16x20 inches (41x51 cm). It's based around a glorious sunset I witnessed from Chateau Victoria last September.
I would love for this piece to find a home in Canada but given the current state of affairs I know that's not likely right now.
This event is in #VictoriaBC #Saanich area & if you've been attending a multi days dancing competition this week, in this area - you're probably going to be very sick soon, if you aren't sick already. PUT YOUR MASKS ON!
"I was here." - Beaver
Very clear evidence of #beavers activity. You can see their many chew marks on this stump. This is in a small #Saanich community park, stewarded by citizens who live beside little Calvert Lake.
Access to trails is off of Prospect Lake Rd & easy to miss if you're not paying close attention. Only room for 2 cars to park on roadside pullouts. The trails aren't very well maintained & you can easily get lost around them. I've ended up in someone's backyard once, trying to hike back out. Wear long pants because there's a lot of places you have to bushwhack through along tiny footpaths. Lots of salal, Oregon grape, lady ferns (excellent for fiddleheads harvesting) & mushrooms.
February's Month in a Minute video is here! This is the view looking north from #UVic last month.
I've also posted my little summary of the weather. It’s at https://www.victoriaweather.ca/summaries.php
En route to pharmacy to pickup prescription refills. A #SelfPortrait in the car.
Coral tooth #fungus with #mosses on a log.
This #fungi is in same family as lions mane.
It's #edible & #medicinal #mushroom.
Found in #Wsanec forest.
More info on this fungus:
**UPDATE: RIDE FOUND! Thank you for boosting, everyone!!!**
Can folks in & around #VictoriaBC please boost this post for me to expand reach to locals?
My driver for my Feb. 24-28 trip to #LakeCowichan is now very sick & won't be better anytime soon.
I need to find a replacement driver. I need transport from my South #Saanich home to LC on Feb. 24 - anytime after 1pm. I'll need transport from LC back home on Feb. 28 - anytime before noon.
I can pay driver to transport me there/back & help me load & unload luggage. I'm unable to use the IslandLink bus service because they don't have routes to LC.
If you can help me with transportation, please DM or, send me a message on Signal:
I'm going location scouting for a public accessible place with rain shelter/covered area for the inaugural #SocialBC Mastodon meet-up. It will be picnic style, I'll provide some snacks & drinks. Aiming for late April/early May date & will update well in advance. It's open to all members of SocialBC & anyone else who wants to attend & already on Fediverse or interested in joining us. It will be in #VictoriaBC #Saanich or #Westshore area - depending on how my scouting goes.
It will be outdoors in #CovidSafe environment.
I'm organizing this by myself & will likely need some volunteers help closer to the date for setup & cleanup.
My secondary account is @PhotographyElf