Got a game idea that promotes communication and prevents violence? Enter the 18th Annual Life.Love. Game Design Challenge by March 24!
Got a game idea that promotes communication and prevents violence? Enter the 18th Annual Life.Love. Game Design Challenge by March 24!
I'm giving a seminar on data privacy at my local library and I was thinking it might be nice to make the slides using web technologies so they're easy to share.
Assume I've been living under a rock for the last 10 years, but I do have chops to make and host nice web stuff.
Anyone have any good examples of this? Is this something people do now? It seems like a good idea to create something responsive that people can refer to rather than just a PDF of some slides.
"What’s something that’s a banal observation in your field, but which really blows students’ minds the 1st time they encounter it?"
Another one, that *still* blows my mind: no matter how powerful the emperor/dictator, there is still politics.
Historical periods don't exist: they are stories we create to make meaning, and frequently change our minds about.
Also, we don't care about calendar decades/centuries.
There is no ethical way to use AI. At least not the Large Language Models (LLMs) we’re mostly talking about these days when we talk about AI.
I’m going to unpack that in a moment, but first let me stress that I am not, for a moment, calling teachers who use AI unethical. The ethical responsibility here does not lie with users of LLMs. It lies firmly with the industry that has created and promoted the use of these machines in wholly unethical ways.
"One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world."
Malala Yousafzai
Hey #MathEducation people,
I remember some time ago reading how optimal outcomes for understanding and conceptual learning in mathematics happened when the students were in control of the pacing of the learning, but the teacher still chose and sequenced the content.
Now I need to find this research again because a bunch of parents are giving my fellow teacher grief for “Not finishing the textbook” in yr 7 mathematics!
Can anyone help me find this? (Boosts welcome)
#teaching #mathematics #MathsEducation
Letting the student learn.
You can't force it. No chance to be complete. But every chance to make use of the light that gets in through tge cracks.
A single brush stroke, not a treatise.
A single misconception corrected, one misconception at a time.
I wrote a little blog post about the project I give to my Object Oriented Programming students; a relatively big codebase for Shopazon (an amalgamation of Amazon and other common apps), and how imitating real world development kind of thwarts (at least some) students' attempts to use GenAI to get through their assignments.
There's no faster way to get on my teacher nerves than when I'm trying to help, I limit the scope down to just a small collection of words and numbers saying "this is all that's relevant right now," and then you proceed to ignore me and just keep returning to the original question.
Why won't you let me help?
I gave you a simpler question that will, if we answer it, get you closer to what the question was asking for.
If you're just going to ignore me and power through it, then why do I need to be here?
"One begins to suspect that a great many students wanted this all along: to make it through college unaltered, unscathed. To be precisely the same person at graduation, and after, as they were on the first day they arrived on campus."
Do any #chemistry teachers have an equilibrium constant lab that does _not_ use iron and thiocyanate? I've been looking and looking, but I cannot find any other examples of lab procedures.
Teachers: Who's got marking this weekend?
My bag was literally heavy enough to set off the child-not-wearing-seatbelt warning on the way home this afternoon!
Which is why the fascists want to dumb down the education system.
They want kids to believe the bullshit and never learn critical thinking skills.
They want the kids to not have elders to learn from.
Students love to complain about a lack of applications problems in math, but the moment they receive one, they demand that you stop and only give them theory.
It's Oscars Night! We're highlighting our free teaching guides for Oscar-nominated & Oscar-winning films to engage students across the curriculum, like:
Bridge of Spies
Children of Heaven
Crip Camp
Hidden Figures
Schindler's List
Summer of Soul
The Post
Whale Rider
Get your free teaching guides for these acclaimed films now: https://journeysinfilm.org/articles/teach-with-oscar-movies/
#Oscars #Education #Teachers #Homeschooling #Teaching @education @edutooters
Principal: As we have had high turnover, we have no chairpersons for any of the subject areas. Any volunteers? You'll get an extra £30 per month.
Teachers: Sure!
*One month later*
Teachers: Why didn't we receive our pay as subject chairs?
Principal: Oh, about that! We didn't feel like paying you as it would add too much to our expenses, but you still have to do all the curriculum and management work you've agreed to!
#ChatGPT is amazing! In its uselessnes. I routinely check my #paleontology exam questions against it, especially since we do a lot of open book exams. I am happy to report that it still produces complete bullshit. #graptolites #radiodonta #fossils #academia #teaching
One of the curious things about teaching to me is that the school and other instructors encourage me to be rigid, deadlines are deadlines, but I keep wearing my manager hat and have more allowances in my classes.
I'll accept late work, as long as you communicated. I get that some things didn't make sense to you yet because you don't have all the context, and we can talk it out before you submit.
This apparently is weakness, I think it is human.
I love that this teacher wants to continue to support his students, but if he, like many teachers, doesn't have the funds for a lawsuit, I hope he instead replaces the rainbow flag with rainbow pencils and rainbow chalk and rainbow markers and rainbow maps and rainbow handouts and a rainbow mat... You get the idea. There are plenty of non-flag options that don't break the stupid law.