#acab #allcopsarebastards #police #healthrisk #staysafe #protest #activist #activism #riotpolice #lrad #sabotage #policebrutality
Regular meetings between the NSC & #Europe’s #NationalSecurity ofcls have gone unscheduled, & the NSC has also stopped formally coordinating efforts across #US agencies, including w/the #FBI, #DHS & the #State Dept….
Reuters could not determine whether #Trump has ordered the admin to halt all its work monitoring & combatting #Russia’s campaign….
President Joe #Biden last year ordered his #NationalSecurity team to establish working groups to monitor the issue amid warnings from US #intelligence that Russia was escalating a shadow war against Western nations.
The plan was led by Biden's #NSC & involved at least 7 national security agencies working w/European allies to disrupt plots targeting #Europe & the #UnitedStates….
Exclusive: #US suspends some efforts to
counter Russian sabotage as #Trump moves closer to #Putin
Several US #NationalSecurity agencies have halted work on a coordinated effort to counter Russian #sabotage, #disinformation & #cyberattacks, easing pressure on Moscow as the Trump Admin pushes #Russia to end its war in #Ukraine.
#intelligence #security #USpol #geopolitics #NewWorldOrder #PutinsPuppet
Trump Weakens US Defenses Against Russian #Sabotage,Aiding Putin’s #HybridWarfare.
Journalists reveal: US has quietly halted efforts to counter RU sabotage, cyberattacks, & disinfo., marking a dramatic policy shift under Trump.
The story details how Trump’s admin has ceased intel coord across mult agencies, effectively blinding: US to ongoing RU hybrid warfare.
NSC, FBI, DHS, & St Dept: reportedly suspended their ops w/o explanation.
Anotherto amplify.
#USPol #Putin https://theintellectualist.com/trump-weakens-us-defenses-russian-sabotage/
@GrueneBundestag hättet lieber die #Sabotage aka. "#Schuldenbremse" in gänze kippen sollen, statt dass wir #US-Verhältnisse normalisieren [www.youtube.com] und #Raschisten wie #Rassisten alla #Merz erlauben, Den #Staat seiner #Handlungsfähigkeit zu berauben…
This is a good reminder that expanding foam in a can could be quite useful for various sabotage efforts.
@anneroth die "#Schuldenbremse" ist nichts anderes als #Sabotage der Handlungsfähigkeit des Staates nach #US-Vorbild!
"If you live in NC, call every Republican politician you know. Call every farmer you know & ask them to do the same
When money walks, voters talk. Make sure they know this effects everyone in their town/state."
-M Cuban
I agree with MC on this, it's imperative to amplify bc children will go hungry, farmers will suffer...
#Trump doesn't like the Dem gov., so he's punishing vulnerable ppl in NC. The sooner that Americans understand the peril...
#Hunger #Sabotage #USPol https://www.wunc.org/news/2025-03-14/usda-cancels-federal-funding-north-carolina-food-banks
@bloomberg @profiles-bloomberg I think it's bad given that #Merz actively #sabotage|d #Germany's #SpendingBill and @GrueneBundestag should've incapacitated his government out of principle given his utterly #racist, #facist and #HateSpeech-laced attacks on them!
@andre_meister klingt nach #Innentäter-mäßige #Sabotage der #FDGO!
@Sexabled IMHO ist die #Schuldenbremse schlichtweg #Sabotage am #Staat.
Wenn der #Bundestag einen #Haushalt genemit, dann MUSS dieser auch notwebdige.Neuverschuldung genemigen.
Sonst kriegen wir Verhältnisse wie aus den [www.youtube.com] #USA hierzulande!
"We vow to wage a campaign of sabotage targeting the tools, property and machinery of those most responsible for global warming, escalating until they accept our demands for an end to all support for fossil fuel expansion."
Super, les mecs restent dans leur réalité politicienne dépassée, n’intéressant plus qu’une poignée de bobos riches ne voulant pas se résoudre à l’acceptation fondamentale et nécessaire : entraver la folie des grandeurs du capitalisme mortifère et exterminateur de la vie sur Terre.
Nous n’avons plus besoin d’eux, ils sont devenus un problème dérivatif.
#resistance #rebellion #sabotage #actiondirecte
Throwback Thursday!
In 1944, the Office of Strategic Services (predecessor to the CIA) put out this sabotage manual for civilians living in Europe under Nazi occupation. This manual was only de-classified in 2008.
It's an important piece of anti-fascist history, offering a fascinating look at what everyday, average citizens were being asked to do to resist fascist rule and work towards liberation.
PDF of the manual:
(more readable) HTMl version of the manual:
#throwback #throwbackthursday, #oss, #cia, #antifascism, #history, #europe, #liberation, #sabotage
@DerKlimablog #Schuldenbremse gehört wegen #Sabotage gekippt.
Ansonsten bekommen wir Verhältnisse wie in den #USA:
The #McCarthy - #Era will be a "Walk in the Park" against these #brainwashed #Trump-#Zombies, cleaning the #Authorities from #Adversaries. This weakens by the Way the Security in every thinkable Form and strengthens the Will for #Whistleblowers
and #Sabotage from within. You can't find so many Trump loyal People, to control such big #Entities like #FBI, #NSA and #CIA. They rip them apart, but this will cause a lot of #Trouble. Does anyone respect #PamBondi ? It's a #Joke.
Teslas scheinen zur Zeit an vielen Orten spontan in Flammen aufzugehen:
@MediaActivist An anonymous statement claimed responsibility for the arson, directed against the “acceleration of the fascist, patriarchal, ecocidal and colonialist project”. According to the declaration, “while the elites multiply the Nazi salutes we decided to salute in our own way … With this act we participate in the call ‘Welcome spring, burn a Tesla’, in the international movement targeting Tesla from Germany to the United States via the Netherlands, and more broadly in the anarchist conflict”. #france #sabotage #tesla #BeauCommeleCapitalismequiBrule #toulouse
@helenasteinhaus die #Schuldenbremse ist nichts anders als #Sabotage der #Handungsfähigkeit des #Staat|es alla [www.youtube.com] #USA:
Dass #Kapitalertrag mindestens genauso stark #Besteuert und mit #Sozialabgaben belegt werden muss sollte allen klar sein!