Brian Hawthorne<p>The Fall of the American Republic?</p><p>I know that I am still out-of-sorts from hours of driving and socializing on Independence Day. I know that I am feeling the emotional and physical toll of that exertion. </p><p>And I know that the news from Washington is as depressing as any in my life. I have lived through the Vietnam War (I am just a bit too young to remember the Kennedy assassination), I remember the assassinations of MLK, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy and the violent upheavals that followed, I recall the constitutional crisis brought about by Nixon at the Watergate Hotel, the SCOTUS Bush v. Gore decision, extra-judicial killings of BIPOC by police, the debacle of the Trump presidency, and much more.</p><p>But sitting here, thinking back on the last six decades, I can truly say that the constitutional crisis created by six traitorous Supreme Court justices this week is unprecedented. Past decisions paved the way, but Trump v. United States (2024) is the case that finally destroyed almost all hope for democracy in these United States.</p><p>Why do I say that? What was the decision? In a nutshell, a majority of the highest court in the land has declared that the President is in fact above the law, and subject to no effective checks and balances by Congress or the courts.</p><p>How does this decision affect me or affect you? How long will the fall of our Republic take? It has been tipping over for years, but that fall is now nearly inevitable and accelerating. Most likely, the changes will continue to have their worst impacts on our already marginalized citizens: BIPOC, LGBTQIA, those of us with disabilities, women, and others. But rest assured that everyone else is going to suffer too.</p><p>I cannot predict the future if this decision is allowed to stand, but I can say that it is unlikely to be a rosy one.</p><p>I wish that I believed that anyone in the Biden administration truly understood the catastrophic constitutional crisis that this legal decision has brought about. The Constitution has been broken, and we have exactly one chance to either fix it or consign it to the dustbin of history. The nature of a true constitutional crisis is that the constitution itself has no mechanisms for fixing this egregious error. Fortunately, in this case, those six justices have given President Biden the power to do what needs to be done to restore our Constitutional form of government.</p><p>The rules have now changed. This is no longer a two-party political power game. Those six justices on the Supreme Court have placed the office of the President above the law, with the power to do whatever the President chooses, with no consequences. Who will seize these new powers first? Will they use them to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, or will they use them to loot the Treasury, install themself as dictator-for-life, and end the Republic?</p><p>Will President Biden or President Harris use this new immunity to take the distasteful steps necessary to ensure a return to the rule of law, by removing the offenders and allowing a new Supreme Court to restore our constitution and forever ensure that no President is above the law? Or will they sit back and allow Donald Trump to declare himself President, ensuring that we never again have free and fair elections, or even a President, merely a self-anointed sovereign?</p><p>I do not know the answers to these questions, but I fear that the Democratic Party and the current President are unable to see this bigger picture. It is too late for taking half measures or adopting a wait and see approach to saving our Republic. </p><p>President Biden, I implore you to use the new freedoms that the Supreme Court has given you to rid us of this meddlesome crook, reconstitute a legitimate Supreme Court, and undo this travesty of justice. If you are unable or unwilling to take the bold steps necessary, I urge you to step down and allow an ascendant President Harris to restore our Republic.</p><p>To be clear, the 2024 presidential campaign and election is meaningless until we resolve this constitutional crisis. Until adequate checks and balances on the chief executive’s power have been brought back, free and fair elections are neither possible nor necessary. I believe that Joseph Biden has the integrity to put things right. Perhaps Kamala Harris does as well. Donald Trump does not.</p><p>So, what’s it gonna be, Joe? Will you go down in history as the President who saved the Republic and defended the Constitution, or will you be forever demonized in history books written by the lackeys of a triumphant Dictator Trump. I know that it is a heart-wrenching decision, choosing to bend the Constitution to save it. But consider the alternative: strictly following a now broken constitution will allow it to crumble into dust.</p><p>President Biden, I believe you have the integrity to resolve this crisis. </p><p>Help us Joe Biden. You’re our only hope.</p><p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>SCOTUS</span></a> <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>SCOTUSIsCorrupt</span></a> <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>constitution</span></a> <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>SaveTheRepublic</span></a></p>