Marco #Rubio , US Secretary of State, also sat on the couch in the #OvalOffice last week. But he didn't open his mouth, IIRC.
His own Youtube channel 10 years ago uploaded the clip below from a speech in the US Senate
He explains why Ukraine is legally entitled to security guarantees and support from USA and UK against Russia.
I wasn't even aware that USA is obligated by this treaty to ensure Ukraine is safe and doesn't get invaded.
How stupid am I? Or was this treaty simply never mentioned since 2014, out of some secret agreement so USA doesn't lose face by not heeding her side of the nuclear disarmament deal since 2014?
Sheds further light on why #Zelenskyy repeatedly insisted on security guarantees for Ukraine in context with "THE DEAL" (on "Raw Earth", as DT has obviously decreed rare earths should be called from now on... )
Did you know about the treaty?
YT has quite a few 2014 clips with Rubio, in case he deletes his one. While not explaining the security guarantee signed by USA, UK and Russia, his stance is always decidedly pro Ukraine and pro support from USA
Come to think of it, did Georgia also used to have nuclear war heads that got confiscated in exchange for security?