Good morning everyone I have just woken up after another day of very low spoons yesterday. I've made an effort to come downstairs as I was missing my parrots. I actually had a dream in which I had gone shopping with Ziggy, who was being so very cute, and we met up with another lady and her boyfriend who were doing parrot displays. Later I found them both on stretchers after some kind of accident and tried to find sticky notes so I could give them my number in case they needed my help. And all the time Zigs was being adorable...so I definitely had to come and see her after that
Grant has been doing a good job of looking after me so he's on a well deserved birding walk this morning and a glorious day for it too. I do miss walking. With the river and the forest there are so many good walks around here. Today though, I will continue to take it very easy.
Have a lovely day, whatever you get up to