Une nouvelle gravure avec la progression du travail !
1- Le brouillon
2- Le crayonné sur la plaque
3- la plaque gravée
4- le tirage (presque) final
Le biotope dépeint est celui de l'île de Hațeg, au crétacé supérieur. C'est aussi une référence au documentaire #PrehistoricPlanet
My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
Here's a second painting of the Severn Estuary, this time during the Early Carboniferous. Called "Primeval Clevedon Bay," it features fish, crinoids, othrocones, corals, gastropods, and brachiopods. This painting was the first winner of the Marsh Palaeoart Award.
Infernodrakon hastacollis is the first ever #pterosaur named from the Hell Creek Formation! (This guy coexisted with #Tyrannosaurus and #Triceratops!)
The only piece known from it is a single, squished, but mostly complete neck bone, and it has possibly the longest length to width ratio of any other neck bone ever!!
Borogovia gracilicrus
"Suciasaurus rex", an informally named gigantic theropod(possibly tyrannosaurid) from Sucia island state park, U.S. state of Washington.