@zrb @MediaActivist Similarly for this troll's "you made your choice". Invention of facts. This time at least, despite seeing the #JackassParty for what it is, I did NOT choose to withhold support. As a last-ditch measure against Trump, I not only voted for #KamalaHarris, I donated hundreds of dollars to her campaign. But after 30 years of Dems like Bill "NAFTA" Clinton, Barack "Fake Hope, Counterfeit Change" Obama, and Joe "Nothing will fundamentally change" Biden, it wasn't enough. It's true that the #JackassParty, bad as it is, is still much better than the fascists. But that can't be relied on to persuade a public that has watched BOTH parties drain their wealth for decades. You have to offer them more than "We're not Trump". Economic radicalism is not a luxury but a necessity.