MDMRNStory Time: So, yesterday, I went to get some lunch at the gas station near my office. <br>
As I went to pay for my lunch what did my wandering eyes see? Oreos Sour Patch Kids. I had heard tale that these existed, but I had never seen them in the wild. The best by date was coming up and they were on sale / clearance down to $1. I just had to try it out.<br>
After bringing it back to the office and crack open the package. What did it taste like? A reverse Sour Patch Kid flavor...<br>
What do I mean? Well, it's a vanilla Oreo on the outside, but flavor-wise you get hit first with like literally every fruit flavor of Sour Patch Kids followed up by the malic acid / sour flavor. So yea, reverse order when I tried it. <br>
Was it edible? Yes. Was it the worst snack I've ever had? Nope. Would I recommend it? Absolutely not.<br>
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