"I woke up really late, if I take my meds, they might make me unable to go to sleep"
*proceeds to hyper-focus until 3 hours after dawn even without meds*
"I woke up really late, if I take my meds, they might make me unable to go to sleep"
*proceeds to hyper-focus until 3 hours after dawn even without meds*
I'm on a lifetime journey of reigning in my fast brain, not stress-pushing & fresh on a path of slowly pulling out of a monotropic attention tunnel before jumping to new focus.
So I'm trying to notice that I feel incomplete and behind today, but this week I processed & made a healthy and strategic path about an overwhelming crush, made great strides in learning IC electronic circuits, and just now learned a ton about high DPI CMYK printing.
On my own. I am enough.
I feel this must be a deeply autistic experience: the disbelief when people actually try to convince you that they didn't mean what they said. And I'm not talking subtext, I'm talking about the grammatical meaning of their verbatim words and sentences.
And then you ask them to clarify and through a convoluted sequence of justifications they end up at "see? And this is why I couldn't possibly have meant this!".
Like wat? Why did you say/write it then in the first place? So fucking confusing. But maybe the explanation really is that autistic people choose their words much more carefully. It's certainly our lived experience.
#neurodivergent #neurodivergence #ADHD #actuallyADHD #Autism #autistic #actuallyAutistic #AuDHD #actuallyAuDHD @actuallyautistic @actuallyaudhd
Anxiety or Sensory Sensitivity? Here's How to Tell
When I was growing up I was misunderstood a lot, and I tried to compensate for that by assuming that it was my fault for not explaining myself well.
@actuallyautistic Just ranting a bit. I don't really need feedback, but it's nonetheless welcome.
So our #AuDHD daughter has been on ADHD meds for a bit, and is generally very content with that. But her autistic traits are also showing more strongly, which is a mixed blessing.
In school, the good thing is that she gets questions about text better. The bad thing is that she takes them a lot more literally, and she resists writing long answers. Also, topics have to engage her, otherwise she...
https://neuroclastic.com/weavers-and-concluders-two-communication-styles-no-one-knows-exist/ It's interesting, I do find some mild weaver communication pattern in me, but not conclusively. I do know where I am on the side of ask-culture vs guess-culture, though. Wonder how these two concept overlap. #audhd
I consider this standard practice in accomodating #RSD, and I try to remember to include it for anyone that experiences RSD or might experience it.
What would you recommend a person to do to make friends when they don't drive, live in a rural area, lives with judgmental parents, #AuDHD , have a hard time making friends, overthinker, and has social anxiety? #mentalhealth #makefriends #friend #friends #soultribe #lonely #Depression #bored
Being able to name an emotional experience (not just “it was bad,” or “it was awful,” or “I’m upset”), actually gives you energy because it pulls you out of being so wrapped up in it that you have to become sort of an observer to it, at least partially, and be able to process it.
That #AuDHD moment when you want to help someone, give a metric shit ton of advice, and then immediately wonder if it was a good idea or even wanted or if you should just go back to bed even though your meds are kicking in so there's a snowball's chance in hell of ever going back to sleep while ruminating on whether you should've said anything in the first place
the thing I hate most about being an adult: peopling. closely followed by: adulting
Audhd, Water, Bathing, Life
Sometimes I forget that most people don't have serious anxiety about the sensory overload of having a shower. I spent years trying to find exactly the right smells and products to make things less overwhelming, and less allergic and then would not change them for years, and then had a meltdown when I couldn't get them anymore. Same with laundry products. I think that's been a thing I've done for years. Find the thing that makes me look and feel the most "normal" when perceived by others and then never change it. I think that was even the case with my gender for years.
Do I have issues with this? No because I have A,B&C. - but if I didn't I'd be a ball of human in the closet in tears.
Good lord I hate being wet and the feeling of water evaporating on my skin, but simultaneously, I love to swim, I just hate getting out. I would stay in until I was a hypothermic grape just to not have to get out and feel my wet hair and skin.
These days i couple my shower anxiety with mecfs exhaustion and it feels like a serious internal battle most of the time, but I managed to have one today. It took three hours to get the volition, but I'm clean and uncomfortable. I would blow dry my hair if I could take the sound.
Shouldn't post this, will likely delete later. Got my not-typical brain formally assessed but the NP said because it's complicated she's not qualified to offer any help.
Not remotely surprised, tbh. It's the theme of a lifetime.
The system here is beyond broken, so finding someone who can tease everything apart and offer real, thoughtful, minimally biased support is next to zero.
I really wish I wasn't dealing with this in the horror show of 2025.
Meanwhile, a living must be made, because there's a cat who is absolutely everything.
Don’t be afraid to choose a different path than the one that others would have you choose. It may be difficult to not have a clear path to follow, but you might just be blazing a path that others would love to follow.
Not long ago I complained about how executive dysfunction regularly makes my life worse.
Now, the other thing my #AuDHD brain tends to do is over-commitment.
Can you imagine how these to become a terrible duo? Promising too many things and then sometimes not even able to start those?
*screaming into the void*
"nycki, what do your adhd meds actually do?"
okay have you ever had one of those wobbly cables that you have to plug in a few times before it starts charging your phone
imagine if it worked the first time.
People ask me what the heck goes on up here.
"I can make a 90° angle with just a string and a flat surface“.
Then they just leave.
PS. You can. (LOL thanks for staying? )
-make a loop.
-bisect twice to get 4 equal segments. 1/2 * 1/2
-trisect one segment 1/3
-move one trisegment length to one side, then other two to the other
-stretch points on flat surface, you now have a 345 unit triangle of arbitrary perimeter length.
1U* 1/(2x2x3) = {StringLength}
StringLength = 12U (arbitrary.)
-trisect the loop, then bisect twice one trisected length. 1/(3 x 2 x 2)unit.
-move one quartered segment to the left.
from a string and a surface!
Emergent Divergence: Should ADHD Be Part Of The Autism Spectrum? [emergentdivergence.com]
Autism is associated with a wide array of co-occurring conditions. In fact, it is widely discussed that Autistic people have "all the things", meaning that we are prone to conditions that are otherwise considered rare or in some cases problematic.
@adhd_coffee i think this crosses into #AuDHD territory :)